Saturday, March 3, 2012

T - Minus 5 (Just the Facts)

So today I had the chemo that gets to the nasty side effects and flattens the blood counts. I have had one round of Fludarabine and one of Bendamustine. So far at 6pm no side effects yet that I can tell as far as nausea or skin or bodily reactions. One dreaded side effect I have had in the past is the loss of appetite. I get to test that when dinner comes, I was able to actually go outside today so Isaac and I took a walk around the flower gardens out front. I was also able to get in a nap. So far it's a good day and for the next two weeks if I can sit up and take nourishment that will be good enough. Tomorrow and Monday will be a repeat of today's treatment. The least I expect is chemo fog,  a state of mental fog like everything is fuzzy and in slow motion and I remember just sitting in a daze, Josh and I used to talk about it like we were cats and we just get up and find some other place to curl up and sleep for awhile and then somewhere else an hour later with zilch for motivation. I'll keep you posted.

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