Friday, April 19, 2013

Can I Interest You In A Fireplace Extraordinaire

When we built our house we decided we wanted a fireplace, especially Lynne. She loves a cozy fire. So it was decided. She did not care much about what kind as long as it burned wood and created a warm spot when it was cold outside. My thoughts went more to the idea that it should heat the house as well. Most open fireplaces suck as much heat  out of the house as  they create and then with the open flue when the fire is out they actually create a colder house even though it may be warm in front of the fire. So we shopped around  and we looked and scouted the Internet and even visited fireplace stores up in Mich. We finally settled on a fireplace, called the Extraordinaire, that was EPA certified clean burning and we found it in Conroe. It will heat up to 2,400 sq. ft. and give all the ambiance we need. With the benefit of a ceramic honeycomb catalytic burner, almost all the gases and smoke and particulates are burned and turned to heat. And on top of that we installed it ourselves. So here's the deal. Before my cancer when ever we had folks over they were on the receiving end of my spiel about the stove's magnificent characteristics. It pulls in outside fresh air for the firebox. It pulls in fresh air to be heated and  blows that warmed air into the house, the warm air then creating a positive pressure in the house. There are no cold drafts anywhere. The whole house gets heated except for an upstairs bed room, and that's good. You can open the glass doors for an open fire. You can close them and control the burn rate, and watch the fire through the glass doors while the fan disperses the heat into the room. We have not run the gas furnace this entire winter.We get plenty of wood by scrounging and taking down trees for customers What's not to love? Alas! It's a small disinterested audience. I'm a zealot without an assembly, that's what I am. Maybe a salesman for Travis Industries, the manufacturer would work? Naw I'll just go ahead and continue to bore our guests. Wait, did I just bore you?

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