Sunday, December 30, 2012

"I Can DoThat"

Lynne and I were walking across the Skybridge from the Main Bldg. to the May's Clinic. It's about a quarter of a mile long. There are shuttles available or you can walk. We chose to walk this time. Along the wall there are wreaths hanging for decorations, 73 of them, to be exact. Adopt-A-Family Holiday Wreath Auction 2012  at was in progress. Each of the wreaths was made by organizations or individuals in the hospital and donated. They were now for sale through silent auction with proceeds going to MDA. We are taking our time and enjoying the wreaths, since my next appointment was some time later and we had time. Then I came upon one wreath that caught my eye. In the center was a water color painting, abstract and very colorful. I called Lynne over and told her that I would like to try something like that, that I could do that. I always thought I would like to try my hand at water colors and having lots of time, why not? Lynne looks at it and then she bursts out laughing. A note on the side of the wreath that I did not read said "This picture was painted by a chimp". I can do that. Well Lynne had to show Isaac when he was there and more laughing. For Christmas, Isaac and Katie gave me a stuffed gorilla and all the stuff I need to start water color painting. I finished my first one, a Christmas card for Lynne. I can do that.

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