Thursday, April 5, 2012

So How's It Going? GREAT!

It is Thursday and the schedule feels more like what I had before the SCT. I'm sitting in waiting rooms, waiting for tests and such. My health feels comparable to a couple of months before the transplant except for my body strength, especially in the legs. Going up stairs gets me. I keep walking and moving and I figure in time that too will come back. Today I get a Cat Scan and tomorrow a Pet Scan and Bone Marrow biopsy and aspiration. I have been given permission to drive and that's a nice letting out of the leash. The other big change has been that I am on Medicare now so some procedures will change. For example Dr. Khouri wanted to send me home with Home Health Care for the magnesium infusions. Medicare says that needs to be done in the hospital so that means continued daily trips to the Clinic.

So we move on and it is still at a rate I had not expected and that I'll take. I actually find myself imagining what everything will feel like in a few months and it's like this could turn back the clock on my health a bit. I find myself beginning to plan things and wanting to do things that I had put on hold and even out of my mind, and I get excited. I know that there will be new issues I will have to monitor and about which I will need to be vigilant or they could put me at serious risk very quickly and that certainly highlights the word Chronic in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. With good management this can work. It really, actually can.

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