Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Indian Summer of Time

Summer is making an effort to say farewell and for a couple of weeks now autumn has been peeking around the corner. Ah, one of my favorite times of the year. It was a year ago now that we found out  that my brother, Dirk, was not able to donate his stem cells and we would then wait for another donor. I remember feeling very well then and wondering why a transplant? Let's just wait and see. Maybe it will go away. Well, now a year later and 6 months after the transplant, I am finally beginning to feel as well now as I did then. The blood counts are good, the appetite is good, energy level is coming back, there was no cancer in the last bone marrow biopsy, and with therapy, my disposition and outlook are much improved. So they are tweaking the meds and adjusting dosages. I had an issue a few weeks back with GraftvsHost Disease affecting my stomach and skin. This will be my biggest challenge for the rest of my life. Most anything can set it off like an infection, bacteria, virus, fungus, or too much sun, or something I eat. As my immune system gets stronger it will be less likely, but always there. My visits to MDA should become fewer and farther between. So with all that in my pannier and Indian Summer I'm doing well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Uncle Abe,
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts in all of your blogs. We love reading them and keeping up-to-date on what is going on in your life. We are so happy to hear that you are feeling better and your appetite and energy is coming back. Keep enjoying the Fall! In Ontario the leaves are almost gone now but it has been beautiful. The colours of the maple trees seemed to be the brightest we have seen them for years.
    Love, Fred & Linda.
