Friday, April 12, 2013

"What If Frogs Had Guns"

I found myself playing  the,  "what if"  game. You must know that one, the one where I find myself wondering,  "What if there is something in my lungs, something that lurks in the dark recesses of the trachea, and what if it has spread and needs to be treated with chemo? How will I handle that?".  "What if?" "What if?" "What if?" That started at 4:02, in the -- AM. By 4:03 I'm wide awake. I go to obsessing pretty quick,  you see, from 0 to absurdity in 4 seconds flat, rivaling  that of a Mustang Cobra in the 0 to 60 and with the same venom to the soul as a cobra to life. I know where this is headed. It's not pretty. "You do that?", you ask.  Ohhh yes and I'm no fun to be around when I do such things. Chris, our son had a good line that always pulls me up short. He said one time, "What  if frogs had guns?". I said, "What?". He repeated,  "What if frogs had guns?". "What does that have to do with anything "? His response? "Snakes wouldn't mess with them".  I repeat that story to myself at 4:04 to break that race to absurdity and put a smile on my face. My sleepy time, however, is shattered like the sound barrier and by 4:10 I get up.

So today I am  off to have my follow up CT scan and off to see the wizard, Dr. Khuori, who is no wizard at all, only a doctor whom God has gifted and shares His gifts with us through him.  At 10:45 I have my blood work- right on schedule- and then off to Diagnostic Imaging to be serenaded by the hum of  Computerized Tomography,  while I lie flat in a tube being told when to breath and  when to hold my breath. I get prepped and -right on schedule- I go in for my scan. It takes 10 minutes- right on schedule. The Right on Schedule, is a fantastic anti-obsessing medicine for me and  after taking 3 doses dispensed by the  MD Anderson Cancer Center which has a notorious reputation for being stingy in being timely with any clinic or procedure and doing it on a day that 1 of the 4 scanners on this floor was busted  so that when I get to Dr. Khouri's office I am, believe it or not, - ahead of schedule - and he comes in early,  and for a second I am wondering "what if he already knows". He gets through the pleasantries and we ask, "Have you seen the CT yet?" ignoring the fact it has only been  an hour since the scan. How could he have possibly seen it yet? And he said that it had not yet been posted, so he finished the exam and went over medications and issues and questions and as he left he said, "Let me check the computer one more time and see if there are any results yet". He comes back in a couple of minutes and said the radiologist had not reported yet but the CT scan was posted and his assessment was that the spot they had been looking at was diminished and was likely, as suspected, a left over, from a slight cold infection. My  left arm shot up along with my shout of "All right", which is  my secular  abridged version of "hallelujah ".                                                                                                                                                                     New International     Version (©2011)  Matt. 6:34                                                
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
New American Standard Bible (©1995) Matt. 6:27
"And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?

Silly me.                                                                                                                                                                   

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