Saturday, June 9, 2012

It Goes With The Territory

It has been a long long time since last I shared with you how things are going. I had an opportunity to visit with the daughter of a man, about my age who had a stem cell transplant around mid November last year who is also a patient of Dr. Khouri. She teared up as she related his difficult journey, starting with a heart attack the day after his transplant resulting in a stint, 2 times. Since then he has been hospitalized frequently for complications, including Graft vs Host Disease (GVHD). She said that the last time he was at the Dr.'s office he was discouraged, extremely so. He is tired of being sick.

When I am asked, "How am I?" I have to say, "I am doing very well", especially after hearing stories like that. I have had very little about which to complain. Complain I do though at times and discouragement I have felt, even depressed at times. It can't be as bad though as my friend's story. However it does go with the territory of being a long term patient on long term medications(30 plus pills a day) and the energy tank being on empty. So I am doing well, as well as anyone going through something like this, Physically I am doing doing much better than most. I have my issues with GVHD. I have avoided serious complications and on Mon. I have another Bone Marrow biopsy and CT scan and we will get an idea how the transplant is doing. This is the 90 day mark. The next milestone will be 6 months and that will be when meds will be really adjusted. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for caring.

1 comment:

  1. I had mistakenly said this was the 60 day mark, instead it is the 90 day. Thanks Isaac. Perhaps the chug, chug, has hit the express track and going faster than I thought. Abe
